tadnetasno Admin replied

293 weeks ago


Hellfighters Sub Download

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497e39180f The story of macho oil well firefighters and their wives.
The adventures of oil well fire specialist Chance Buckman (based on real-life Red Adair), who extinguishes massive fires in oil fields around the world.
This used to turn up very frequently on BBC television throughout the 1970s . It was a favourite film of mine in childhood . Fire and explosions have always held a morbid fascination for me so any film featuring an abundance of both is one to constantly watch . That said I haven&#39;t seen it for many years but since it was being broadcast on Film4 I made a point of watching it again <br/><br/>Oh dear . Oh dearie me . Well to be fair it&#39;s not a dreadful film but by the same yardstick it&#39;s not a great one and falls firmly in to the memory cheats camp . I should qualify by what I mean by this and state it&#39;s full of fires and explosions and macho heroics . In fact too much testarone fuelled macho heroics and my TV actually grew a beard while I was watching this ! <br/><br/>If this isn&#39;t a problem then heroics involving characters played by John Wayne and Jim Hutton are . John Wayne might have been an American icon and a film star for several decades . He was however never an actor and somewhat ironically in a film featuring so much combustible material the most flammable thing in the movie is the star due to his wooden performance . Hutton was probably a very nice chap in real life ans was no doubt an obvious casting choice for lightweight romantic comedies . Alas he was never the type of actor you&#39;d think of casting if you were wanting a &quot; tough guy &quot; character . See also THE GREEN BERETS . There&#39;s something unintentionally funny watching Wayne and Huttton pulling out every heroic cliché in the book alongside misjudged humour without the slightest hint of irony . As I said it&#39;s not a dreadful film but you might find it entertaining for all the wrong reasons
In all of the reviews I read, never did I read where it was filmed. So better late than never I do know as my husband, 10 year old daughter and I actually watched filming of the night oil fire sceness. We lived on the Alcova Highway, outside of Casper, Wy. along the Platte River. We had a &quot;deer watching&quot; window in our family room, w/binoculars always handy, and were privileged to watch many of the night scenes being filmed on a neighboring ranch. When scenes required the actual presence of John Wayne they would fly him in from where he was staying in Casper by helicopter.

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